100 Happy Days


For those of you that haven’t cottoned on yet.. I do love a good challenge. Whether or not I manage to finish each challenge remains to be seen but I give it a go.. It’s the effort that counts right! So when I came across the challenge ‘100 days of happiness’ I just new that I had to sign up!

We live in times when super-busy schedules have become something to boast about. While the speed of life increases, there is less and less time to enjoy the moment that you are in. The ability to appreciate the moment, the environment and yourself in it, isthe base for the bridge towards long term happiness of any human being.

71% of people tried to complete this challenge, but failed quoting lack of time as the main reason.These people simpy did not have time to be happy. Do you?

The introduction to the challenge really hit home with me and made me think.. What does make me happy each day.. Well now I (and everyone that follows me on instagram) will find out what made me happy each and every day for the next 100 days!

If you want to sign up for the challenge and share what makes you happy check out the 100 Happy Days Website!

So don’t forget to follow me on instagram here and the hashtag #100DaysOfHappiness

One more resolution for 2014..

So it’s official.. After having waited a whole 2 months since my last post I think it’s safe to say that my blog was pretty much abandoned. To all of who still reading this.. thanks for hanging in there.

As I write this I’m looking at the date and thinking Where did January go? But then again saying that.. Where did 2013 go?

So 31 days into 2014 I have decided to add one more resolution to the list, NOT abandon my blog! Hopefully this is one resolution that I’ll be able to stick to.. unlike my diet, exercise, stop smoking resolutions that have already been long since abandoned..

Happy belated New Year to you all!!

It’s official.. I am a Grinch

I still remember my very first christmas here in Mexico, it was pretty significant as it was my first christmas away from home and away from my family and I have to admit that it didn’t really bother me. I spent the entire day on the beach lapping up the free cocktails and soaking up every ray of sunshine that I could… Those were the days…

I have to admit though that as the years have gone by (this year will be my 8th christmas away from home) Christmas has started to feel less and less festive. Maybe because I grew up celebrating christmas with the huge tree and the ENORMOUS pile of presents all delicately wrapped and placed under the tree while I was sleeping, maybe because I am used to spending Christmas day in my (almost always new) pijamas, crashed out in from of the TV stuffing my face with all the Christmas chocolates that my grandmother insisted on buying or maybe it’s just because I can’t get my head around celebrating away from my family.

When you tell people you will be spending Christmas in the Caribbean you always lots of ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ and the oh-so-common ‘you’re so lucky’ but I am really lucky? Would you honestly give up spending the festive period with your family and loved ones for a few rays of sunshine?

I have to admit that last year my boyfriend did attempt to snap me out of my full on grinch mode by making me put up a tree, cue lots of complaining on my behalf about how it was a waste of time and that the dogs were going to eat it BUT it was there and it did add a certain amount of festivity to the house and made for very pretty christmas photos; well it did until the dogs made it come crashing down on Christmas day!

My tree in all it's glory!

My tree in all it’s glory!

The custom Xmas photo

So as we approach the festive month of the year, I’ll be putting on that HUGE festive smile that I have to wear at work and wishing everyone Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas on the beach whilst secretly wishing that I was on a plane flying home to the arctic temperatures of London to spend Christmas with my family!

Where does time go..

They say that time flies when you’re having fun but I have to contend that time flies even faster when you are super busy and there is just not enough time to do everything that needs to be done. That seems to be the story of my life lately and the extremely lame excuse as to why I haven’t written a blog post in 3 months. The absolute worst thing is that I have absolutely nothing to show for the last, lost 3 months of my life!

Well actually there was one rather big chance, the addition of another (YES ANOTHER) four legged furball to the family! Welcome to the madhouse Turquesa!



The most successful ViDAS Clinic to Date

So after a hectic few days of dogs and cats being treated left, right and centre the clinic was over and packed up just as fast as it had arrived. After so much anticipation I still can’t believe it’s been and gone already.

Thanks to the work of the ViDas vets and all of the volunteers that offered their time to help out the clinic was the most successful one to date with a grand total of 1254 animals sterilized in 5 days!

Bring on ViDas Playa del Carmen 2014!!

ViDAS 3012 – Pt. 2


Just a pile of puppies..


and more puppies..


and more..


Loved this little scruffy guy..


Coco was loving the drugs..




Keeping records of all the dogs operated!


Not al the dogs liked waking up with no balls..


No clinic is complete without the T-Shirt souvenir..


By FAR one of my favourite dogs.. I named him Dave!


A face full of wrinkles..

ViDAS 2013 – Pt. 1

Every year, around this time the wonderful people at ViDAS set up a clinic here in Playa Del Carmen for local people to bring their dogs and cats to be sterilized for free. ViDAS (Spanish for LIVES), is a non-profit organization made up of veterinarians, veterinary students and other animal lovers dedicated to improving the lives of animals and people through veterinary medicine and education. The clinic itself is set up in one of the many local schools and each of the classrooms is set up to form operating theatres and recovery rooms. All of the material, food, drink, medication and everything else used is donated by wonderful people both here in Mexico as well as around the world in order to make these clinics a complete success. I had the opportunity to help them out this year and it really is a wonderful experience seeing how so many people bring their pets to the clinic knowing that neutering them will give them a much better quality of life.

Street dogs here in Mexico are becoming an issue, mainly due to bad ownership. The saying “There is no such thing as a bad dog, just a bad owner” really does apply here. People love getting a cute little puppy but then it grows and they realize the full extent of the responsibility involved and the costs generated. This unfortunately leads to people abandoning their pets in the streets. Most of these animals are not sterilized so it’s like a vicious circle as more and more puppies are born on the streets everyday. I’ve written before about animal rescue refuges but they can only take in so many animals and do so much. The real issue that needs to be tackled is educating people into realizing that sterilizing their animals is the way forward. It is sad but a lot of people, mainly men, see neutering their dogs as a direct reflection of their own masculinity! Seriously people, cutting your dogs balls off does not make you less of a man!

The clinic really is a fantastic idea  and last year alone 1130 cats and dogs safely sterilized during the 6 day clinic in Playa del Carmen! There is still a few more days left of the Clinic here which I’ll be attending and I’m sure I’ll have a ton of new friends and fun stories to share at the end of it! The heat is overwhelming and everyone spends their days pulling out ticks and combating fleas but knowing that you are improving the animal’s way of life is reward enough. Just seeing the difference between how the animal comes in and how it leaves is priceless. There are several volunteers who also take it upon themselves to collect dogs and cats from the street to bring them in, some lucky ones are adopted there and then by other volunteers or taken back to the US and Canada in the hope of finding them a home there. Of course this is not the case for all the animals brought in, unfortunately some of them do have to be returned to the street but at least they go back clean, tick and flea free and sterilized

These photos were taken just during the first few hours of day one:

Even the smallest puppies were brought in to be sterilized.

Even the rain didn’t stop the people from coming to the clinic with their dogs and cats

Little Blackie right after surgery – a few minutes after this photo was taken she was running around again!

Two little ones waiting their turn

Volunteers taking care of the animals as they woke up from the anesthetic

Out for the count..

Just a small selection of the medication donated and used at the clinic

De-fleaing and de-ticking the animals while they were still out from the anesthetic

If you would like to make a donation to VIDAS to keep helping them do what they do you can just click the image below. Even the smallest amount can help:

Ni Modo

So I’m gonna start off apologizing for the HUGE gap in between posts.. it’s been a hectic few weeks. So many highs and lows, up and coming changes, life has literally been turned upside down but if there is one phrase that I’ve learnt here in Mexico that pretty sums life up at the moment it’s ‘Ni Modo’. I don’t think there is an actual translation for Ni Modo in English but it pretty much means: Shit happens, there’s not much you can do about it, so just move on!

So, moving on.. tomorrow I’ll be going on a new tour here in the Riviera Maya. Its called Xenotes and looks like it’s gonna be an absolute blast.

The Xenotes Tour includes a visit to four cenotes (sinkholes) where you will enjoy activities such as kayaking, snorkeling, rappelling, zip lines, inner tubes and swimming, with a period of relaxation to enjoy a Glam Picnic, a true moment of adventure in contact with nature.

The website for Xenotes promises me a day full of fun and nature combined so make sure you check back and see if they did live up to everything they promised! I’m pretty sure it will!

I also found out today that the annual Playa Del Carmen fair or feria as it is known here is in town. It’s gonna be here for at least a week so that will definitely involve a few visits! For those of you that have read my previous posts, you will know me now that I do love a Feria. It’s a great place to really get to know the real Mexico!

So all in all it’s gonna be a busy week, time to get back in to the Blog!

And just as an afternote (not that it is by any means a less significant occasion) today is my Dad’s Birthday! So, Happy Birthday Daddy! Love you x

My Daddy & Me

Celebrating Father’s Day in Mexico

Father’s day in Mexico is known as Día del Padre and like all Mexican celebrations it’s a day full of fun, fiestas and of course food. Father’s day here is celebrated on the 3rd sunday of June like most other countries which in my case is very useful. I’ve lost count of the number of times I have forgotten Mother’s day as here in Mexico it is celebrated in May but back home it is in March! Needless to say my mum now gets to celebrate 3 mother’s day a year just in case! Thank god for international flower delivery companies and paypal!

Family is very important here in Mexico, maybe more so than in other countries, so celebrations such as Father’s Day are always celebrated in a big way. Although it is not a national holiday that doesnt make it any less celebrated (although an extra day of work wouldn’t be bad). Mexican chocolate and all kinds of sweet goodies normally play a big part on the day itself!

My dad is normally here with me at this time of year but due to health issues, this year we’ll be celebrating Father’s Day apart. So Dad.. this blog post is dedicated to you and I can’t wait to see you soon. No matter where I am, or how old I get, I’ll always be your little girl. I love you daddy!